XESS/Trade -
Financial Trading that Works
The XESS/Trade extension is an add-in to the XESS spreadsheet which
provides seamless integration with data distribution platforms such as the
Reuter Triarch data distribution system. This extension enables users of
the XESS spreadsheet to import, manipulate, and export real-time financial
trading data using using the familiar @-function mechanism.
XESS and Financial Trading Sample Solution
XESS/Trade combines the best real-time spreadsheet with powerful tools for
financial analysis and trading:
- Multiple real-time links
- Updating fields from record and page based servers
- Price cleaning (Page shredding)
- Chained and tiled record support
- Limit minding, triggers, and alerts
- Real-time graphs and charts
- 250+ standard functions, plus easy integration of advanced libraries
- Versions for most Unix, OpenVMS, and Windows NT systems
- Standard or proprietary distribution systems
- Contribute calculated values from spreadsheet back to the server and to
other users.
- Rugged real-time design ensures performance and reliability
How easy and how powerful is XESS/Trade?
When you first see XESS/Trade in action, it's hard to believe your eyes.
With XESS/Trade connected to an XESS spreadsheet, a new menu item and
four additional functions are available to the user:
For example:
- @TRADE("DEM=", "bid")
- returns the current bid for spot deutschmark.
- @TRADE("SYBS.O", "bid", "ask", "trdprc_1")
- returns the current bid and ask prices and the last trade price for
Sybase. The "ask" and "trdprc_1" values will be placed in the cells
to the right of the @TRADE function.
These spreadsheet cells are now "live" and will change when new data are
provided by the server. Graphs and other calculations will automatically
recalculate while you continue to use the spreadsheet.
Imagine the advantages of XESS/Trade working for you.
Contact AIS at trade@appliedinfosys.biz
for more information on the solution to your real-time trading and spreadsheet
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Applied Information Systems, Inc.
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Chapel Hill, NC 27514 USA
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