XESS Developer Program for VARS/OEMS
The XESS Spreadsheet is the choice of many software developers who need to
include a powerful spreadsheet component as part of their applications. AIS
provides a developer program tailored to the needs of companies that
integrated the XESS Spreadsheet with their applications for resale to end
users in a typical OEM/VAR arrangement.
Why integrate XESS with your product?
XESS includes a powerful API for integrating the spreadsheet technology with
other applications. Through this callable interface, your application is
able to modify and control essentially all aspects of the spreadsheet,
using it like a powerful widget. By adding your own menus and functions, you
can provide your end users with a powerful, yet intuitive interface to
your applications.
Who qualifies for the Developer Program?
This program is available world-wide to companies that integrate the
XESS Spreadsheet technology with other software products for resale.
What type of licensing and payment options are available?
AIS provides several licensing options for embedding XESS with your
applications. These range from options where payments are made to AIS as
licenses are issued to end users to options for fully-paid technology transfers.
How is support provided?
The Developer Partner is required to handled first level
support. For an annual support fee, AIS provides second-level
support to the developer/support group of the Partner organizaion.
Support Services include:
- Phone/fax/email developer support access
- Maintenance updates
- Product upgrades
- Early Release Versions
- Joint marketing (where appropriate)
How do we learn more?
Contact AIS at info@appliedinfosys.biz
for more information on joining this program. We look forward to working
with you.
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Applied Information Systems, Inc.
100 Europa Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 USA
1-919-493-7563 FAX